
New Balance

New Balance

NEW BALANCE New Uses for Office Space CHALLENGE: With their tech and ecommerce workforce moving to a completely remote environment, the leadership at New Balance in St. Louis wanted to discover new opportunities for their unused office space. GUIDANCE: Xvisory Partners created two roundtables made up of hand-selected leaders from the local Universities and Accelerators/Incubators…
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STL Sports Commission

ST. LOUIS SPORTS COMMISSION Taking Musial Awards to the Next Level CHALLENGE: Determine the steps to take the Musial Sports Awards to the “next level” by driving growth and establishing/reinforcing St. Louis as the home for celebrating sportsmanship in America. GUIDANCE: Xvisory Partners curated a roundtable of experts with extensive experience in creating and executing…
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UEFA Developing “Disruption Days” CHALLENGE: With 55 member organizations, the leadership at UEFA wanted help in developing “Disruption Days” to encourage each country and their internal teams to think (and work) more innovatively. GUIDANCE: Xvisory Partners curated a roundtable of international futurists focused on education, facilities, media, military/government, and society that could talk to this…
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